Moravian College Caters to Military, At Expense of Student Free Speech

Moravian College's previous President was Erv Rokke, a staggering six and a half foot tall former Three Star General; I guess with this landing they managed to fit an even taller symbol of the mechanized horrors of warfare on campus. Maybe someone in the Administration was running a bet.

It's worth noting that the protesters weren't moved away because of some danger due to the massive blades on the Chinook; look at the video and you'll see people milling all around and inside the thing. Apparently it just gets really terrifically dangerous when people stand around holding protest signs.

Kudos to the sign-holders (and kudos to Dr. Reynolds, who stood up to the campus police on behalf of the students). Word is that Muhlenberg just formed an SDS chapter — might not be a bad idea at Moravian now, eh?